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In case you haven't heard: I am devastated that 399 got killed. She was in a very curvy, dark road, about 30 miles south of Jackson Hole.
The guy was not speeding. Swerved to miss Spirit and hit 399. They say she died instantly. Just horrible. Spirit ran away and was seen a couple days later, hunting food in a campground. Since, we've heard nothing about sightings. They've had lots of Memorial Services for her. Pics, poems, paintings and drawings, Song....
First I didn't want to capitalize off her death. But realized we can raise more money to donate. We actually have been donating for 7-8 years now. 100% Proceeds go to various Bear Rescues all over the Country.
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399 Products
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Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $35.00
Sell price: $25.00
Sell price: $35.00
Sell price: $25.00